
Frequently asked questions

Over the years, Apexan has touched over 3 million satisfied customers. On purchasing an Apexan product through Apexanappliances.com, you will become a part of Apexan Privilege our loyalty programme, which will give you unparalleled access to service and care facilities, across India. What makes shopping at Apexanappliances.com easy is the friendly browsing atmosphere which gives you an experience akin to a showroom, and access to our customer care team who will help you out with your order anytime you please.

You may use our Search feature to look for an item by keyword or item number.

We add products to our online stores frequently, and offer new sales and promotions, as well, so check back often for new products and great offers. 

In addition to saifimart.in, our products are also carried in thousands of electronics and Brand stores. To find a Apexan-authorized retailer near you.

We have a comprehensive product support section on the website with product experts available to assist you at Contact.